Mar 21, 2016
Posted on Mar 21, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on FASTING, FOR GREATER HEALTH, YOUTH, VIGOR AND VITALITY,APR 2016
CREATE a time for yourself this April 2016 to pamper and
let go fo past mistakes, and surrender to the healing powers within to heal
and to make whole again,
Make a date today for space and time is limited by
email to
or phone 778 340 7978
Get ready for spring and look and feel your best!
Mar 6, 2016
Posted on Mar 6, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on SEMINAR, HEALTHY FERTILITY AND PREGNANCY, THUR.MAR 10,7 PM
What a wonderful gift to give your child – the expression of the love
a man and woman have for each other, reflected in a healthy pregnancy and a
peaceful happy baby!
Many women today are having difficult pregnancies, mens’ sperm count is down,
and couples are unhappy struggling to conceive. babies are born cranky, unhealthy and
Come, bring an interested friend, Thurs. Mar 10th 7 pm, RSVP is necessary,
and find out
how to prepare for an awesome pregnancy, free of health challenges,
enjoying a very special time of your life together.
At one time, pregnancy was a normal time of a woman’s life,
free of many discomforts experienced today, but today, it is not so.
Find out how to prepare for a wonderful healthy fulfilling experience, and one
day your child will thank you for making good choices!