

CHOOSE, life, and awesome energy!
The No 1 PRIORITY IS YOUR HEALTH and a plant-based diet, chemical free,
is helping millions prevent and heal all suffering and diseases…..

Too many choose health in the middle, says Dr. Michael Grieger, MD,
who believes that when we choose a PLANT-BASED, NUTRIENT rich
whole organic diet we are helping to prevent and reverse all
diseases, suffering, aches, pain and ……

Especially when we practice the Science and Fine Art of Fasting ,
we not only regenerate stem cells, but also, rebuild the pancreas,
and the entire body, especially, we turn on anti-aging mechanisms enough so that
stem cells rebirth.

Have you chosen to meet health in the middle?
Think of beginning a Fast this spring and rejuvenate the entire body, mind,
emotions and spirit, revitalize your taste buds and become a NEW CREATION!

Many are asking what foods build collagen….
Here is a list of organically grown high collagen foods,

*all cabbages and family ie brocolli.bok choy
*all red fruits and vegetables,ie carrots,
mango , sweet potato,
*Flax seeds, walnuts , chia seeds,(omega 3)\
*red pepper*lemon, orange, grapefruit
*strawberries, blueberries,

Recipe for Breakfast, CHIA PUDDING

1/4 c chia seeds
2 cups nut milk,
soak 45 minutes, or overnight,
stir to prevent lumping,
Add blueberries/strawberries or blackberries.

Be careful of salt and heart problems…
says Dr. Sidhwa….
“salt is a poison-damaging the protoplasm, just as alcohol
does, kills and maims,..
All salt, including himalyan salt, is an inorganic substance, containing sodium and chloride,
and does not belong in the human body…..sodium we can derive
from all fruits and green vegetables, celery, tomato, without detrimental side effects.

Salt also has bad effects on the skin, and people who use salt age faster.

At first giving up salt will be difficult,,,,like any addiction, but once you are free of it,
your taste buds will delight in the true flavors you have previously missed in
your natural organic food,.


1 c organic cashews, soaked in pure water 4 hours,
1 c sunflower seeds, soaked in pure water , 4 hours,
3 garlic cloves,
2 T lemon /lime or more
2 T pure water
1 t. cumin

Process and Enjoy with raw veggies!

Sharing these bits of wisdom for you to enjoy a happy, healthy life.
When ready to have a supervised fast this spring, do not hesitate to
contact me, and I would be delighted to guide you…

Fasting is the Healing Miracle for today!
