

Beginning June 18th, we are open as we open stage 4,

to assist you in creating for you a whole body

assessment, nutritional consultation, health coaching, and

exercise suggestions, to help create a balanced healthy

body and immunity,

Please call to make an appointment, and I will

be so happy to be of help to you and your family,

I look forward to hearing from you!

HEALTH HAPPINESS ABUNDANCE IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT! We are a nation of inflammation, causing depression, illnesses viruses infections and many other acute and chronic diseases. What causes inflammation, is not only inadequate nutrition, exercise, sunlight, pure water. etc, and a toxic body, mind and spirit, but the traumas in our lives that hold us back. We could have experienced abuse, neglect, divorce, which creates self-doubt, insecurity and tragedy. The foundation of our lives felt insecure, unsafe and we may have been depressed about it… or, we may have felt we are not good enough, or, felt angry or to blame for something that had happened. We may make poor choices because of all that may have happened, leaving us vulnerable, and we live in the past, rather in this moment! We are vulnerable creatures. evolving species and our relationships with self and others evolve. We seek love, for it is basic to our survival….. Just as plants turn toward the sun, we look for the warmth of loving connections. Love is a manifestation of Life Force.something we lack in today’s world and many are suffering, because of a lack of love and care. In experiencing divorce when a man chooses to have an open marriage, not acceptable to many women, it becomes devastating. children suffer and their security vanishes.. One begins to feel inadequate, to blame, and seek the comfort and love of others to soothe the hurt, but it may not be true love. The radiant Life Force born within disappears, we experience suffering which can be destructive. Or, by facing the reality, it can transform us into a new creation. We can transcend to a path of growth and be awakened to the truth, and find out that no one can give us what we are seeking. The Divine and eternal love we seek is within us. When we can give to ourselves the unconditional love that we seek, we forgive ourselves and others who may have hurt us, and face the hurdles, and tragedies of the past, then, we can become the radiant, happy. energetic creatures we were born to be. Now, our bodies can fight all diseases. We are positive and we live a purposeful life. We go beyond the injustices of the world and our skin colour should not become a weapon, and that black people no longer fear because of the way they were born! We have learned to love and honour ourselves. and others. We then become living expressions of love, the Life Force for which we are born to share. This positive force frees us, saves us and delivers us from all that prevents us from being who we were meant to be. A Loving Life Force transcending all diseases because we are guided by the Creator’s illuminated Path of Love! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew nature’ | forward to a friend Nature’s Health Ltd 2020 You are receiving this because you asked to join the email list, or subscribed from Our mailing address is: Natures Health 467 Raindance Crescent West Vancouver, BC V7P1C3 Canada Add us to your address book Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences

BEST PROTECTION FOR SKIN Now that we are spending more time outdoors, there are precautions so that we can protect our skin. Sunshine is good medicine and the best source of Vitamin D So many shun sunshine, who fear cancer and wrinkles. but sunshine saves many more lives than it harms. The right dosage early morning and late afternoon are the best time to be exposed. which have powerful health benefits. Here are a list of plant based skin-loving foods… Avocado Walnuts Sweet potatoes Red and orange peppers Brocolli Leafy greens are the best Tomatoes Grapes and seeds Pomegranetes Mushrooms Ginger Carrots Smoothies with ginger, tumeric and carrot BEST SUNSCREENS Frankencense oil Myrrh, Lavender, carrot seed oils with almond or olive oil, one drop each on the skin will protect the skin. Best supplements, Vit A C and D Sea Buckthorn oil Best oils for building Collagen, reduces wrinkles… Neroli oil, lemon, Frankencense, carrot seed, jasmine and organic castor oil. Protect your eyes, but the eyes require light. On the computer and suffering from eye fatigue,dry eyes, try this, Steep tea bags, cool, and place on eyes for 20-30 minutes. Or, a slice of cucumber. Vitamin D is critical to the formation and maintenance of strong bones. Pain and weakness in the muscles and bones are some of the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. Enjoy the opening of parks, the longer evenings, and the sunshine when it does shine which is crucial for good health! In the beginning of each month I order organic oils…please let me know if you need any? Stay safe and healthy during this isolation and know that I am here for you…please let me know if I can help!! Health is Wealth!! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

THE MISSING LINK TO HEALTH OFTEN FORGOTTEN! Healing is a destination, a journey that we need to look upon over and over again!! Every day we can make choices that lead to love and healing, or away from it when we disconnect from the source of health and lifestyle that do not support health and longevity. Covid 19 is trying to wake us up! Fear may cause us to still be asleep? The true power to heal is based on common sense and some simple every day habits.: The body’s immune system thrives on diversity of exposure, sunlight, time in nature, loving company of others, alkaline diet, quality sleep, productivity, etc but….. we are told to hide alone indoors,!!,,,for how long….prediction is no release any time soon!! An alkaline body is a healthy body.! How many of us sit down to a meal that is 100% acid forming? ACIDOSIS is the most common problem today in creating disease, viruses and much more! If the meal is not balanced to be 80% alkaline and only 20% acid forming grub, then we create imbalances instead of creating health of body mind and spirit. Science has divided food into two classes: Alkaline-forming or practically safe foods, and acid-forming or somewhat less safe. If you eat 80% alkaline foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, rich in organic mineral salts and vitamins, thus preserving the normal alkalinity of the blood, you need not think about diets!! This is the KEY to all balancing of foods for you. especially if you do eat acid-forming foods, such as, meat, cheese,nuts,grains,cereals,eggs, yoghert, etc….Because these items are acid-forming is no reason to exclude them entirely, but use them judiciously and in the correct balance, ie with 80% alkaline foods, so they yield the greatest good for the whole body. Gland tone means perfect health…glands feed mainly upon body secretions and the healthy body must have mineral and alkaline elements High water content foods keep the bowels moist and soft with good elimination. Proteins, starch, sugar, fats leave an acid residue, and an alkaline diet diminishes acidity For instance, 80% of each meal must contain alkaline forming foods, ie fresh fruits and vegetables, and only 20% acid forming foods. If you sit down to a pasta meal with little or no fresh vegetables and salads, which is the beginning of creating acidosis, this being the main cause of poor immunity, unable to fight disease, and causing imbalances infectious disease,broken brain, viruses and all diseases. The only other food knowledge you need is harmonious combinations for best digestion and assimilation 80/20 proportion is the safest approach. Plan your meals to follow this valuable acid-alkaline balance If you observe this valuable simple acid-alkallne balance your body will thank you. AS well as, rest, sleep, fresh air, laughter conversation, enjoyment, all contribute to a happy health life. Acidifiers are also, worry, fear, anger, gossip, hatred, envy, selfishness and silence, To Feel more energetic, to be less prone to diseases, be sure your meals are balanced, 80% alkaline forming foods, and only 20% acid forming foods. Because fruits taste acid, they are alkaline forming, It is the ash created after digestion that is important. In preparing and designing balanced meals for all who place their trust in my supervision and consultations, I always take this simple alkaline-acid balanced approach, thus achieving spontaneous healing and regeneration of the whole body! See the difference in your sleep, work, attitude, cognitive improvement, and attaining and maintaining the best of health during this long lockdown! FEEL GREAT., LOOK AMAZING..lose weight .follow the Alkaline-Acid balance to form a PH MIRACLE!! Look forward to helping you achieve the best of health and immunity!! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

YOUR SYMPTOMS TELL YOUR STORY! AWESOME NEWS!!….I have something important to share with you!! I was shopping yesterday at Whole Foods for vegetables and as I approached the cashier a man with a mask shouted at me, ” WHERE IS YOUR MASK, you can get it at the front door, go get it now”! I just looked at him freaking out, and knowing that he did more harm to his entire body with his anger and explosive voice than any mask could help! Or, the supplements he was grabbing! The cortisol levels which help regulate inflammation, blood flow, blood pressure,heart, adrenals,, and health in general was totally blocked. and stressed! What good was the mask?? Or, another situation, where a lady seeks counselling because she had all the symptoms of having a heart attack, but in checking her out found the heart was fine, but the emotional stress she experienced in being pressured by her husband, to please , in giving away her power, going against her integrity and beliefs, created anger,frustration and stress, causing her entire body to create the symptoms she experienced! OUR ENVIRONMENT is fundamental to creating and boosting our immunity, just as. or more important than foods we eat, exercise, etc which we can live without for quite sometime! If also our immunity is compromised with drugs, drinks, food, EMF exposure, anger, stress, social isolation, frustration, emotional baggage, etc we are more likely to suffer from any and all diseases than anyone with a strong immune system. Our relationships, with ourselves, family, friends, and the outside world can booster our immunity more than anything else. We are now connecting through superficial means, which neglect the true heart and gut connections. and we no longer feel connected wnoleheartedly, emotionally in social distancing, like physical connections can do for our immunity! We lack social bonds which is the greatest link to controlling diseases.. How can we grow resilient develop fortitude and create love instead of fear? LOVE IS MEDICINE….Love yourself is the beginning to release fear. that means taking every possible method to create a healthy environment inside our bodies and outside. We can use Curcumin, which acts as antimutagen,antioxidant, or Ginger, to release pain, and Lavender to help the stress and sleepless nights, but what is most important is to use our intuition to boost our immunity which is our God given protection against all diseases. This is a wake-up call, to look within and see what is important during this lockdown. and creating peace of mind…as everything in life comes and goes, including viruses.and to know Truth always prevails! During this time, I decided to write a book, grow a garden, sprout all the nuts and seeds, grains and legumes, increasing the value 400%, doubling the volume, and see how nature provides us with all the necessary food, just on our windowsill and in our backyard pots and earth, and creating peace! Finding ways to cope by getting in touch with nature is the best solution, as well as, to know the power of NOT EATING, to help heal a sick stressed body FASTING is an Ancient way to heal and to begin to LOVE ourselves enough to Heal ourselves! During this time of isolation, I am here to help you through superficial means, phone, email, etc. until we meet again! Do not hesitate to contact me for supervised fasting, nutritional guidance and to boost a strong immunity, I am here for you! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew nature’ | forward to a friend Nature’s Health Ltd 2020 You are receiving this because you asked to join the email list, or subscribed from Our mailing address is: Natures Health 467 Raindance Crescent


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