
THE MISSING LINK TO HEALTH OFTEN FORGOTTEN! Healing is a destination, a journey that we need to look upon over and over again!! Every day we can make choices that lead to love and healing, or away from it when we disconnect from the source of health and lifestyle that do not support health and longevity. Covid 19 is trying to wake us up! Fear may cause us to still be asleep? The true power to heal is based on common sense and some simple every day habits.: The body’s immune system thrives on diversity of exposure, sunlight, time in nature, loving company of others, alkaline diet, quality sleep, productivity, etc but….. we are told to hide alone indoors,!!,,,for how long….prediction is no release any time soon!! An alkaline body is a healthy body.! How many of us sit down to a meal that is 100% acid forming? ACIDOSIS is the most common problem today in creating disease, viruses and much more! If the meal is not balanced to be 80% alkaline and only 20% acid forming grub, then we create imbalances instead of creating health of body mind and spirit. Science has divided food into two classes: Alkaline-forming or practically safe foods, and acid-forming or somewhat less safe. If you eat 80% alkaline foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, rich in organic mineral salts and vitamins, thus preserving the normal alkalinity of the blood, you need not think about diets!! This is the KEY to all balancing of foods for you. especially if you do eat acid-forming foods, such as, meat, cheese,nuts,grains,cereals,eggs, yoghert, etc….Because these items are acid-forming is no reason to exclude them entirely, but use them judiciously and in the correct balance, ie with 80% alkaline foods, so they yield the greatest good for the whole body. Gland tone means perfect health…glands feed mainly upon body secretions and the healthy body must have mineral and alkaline elements High water content foods keep the bowels moist and soft with good elimination. Proteins, starch, sugar, fats leave an acid residue, and an alkaline diet diminishes acidity For instance, 80% of each meal must contain alkaline forming foods, ie fresh fruits and vegetables, and only 20% acid forming foods. If you sit down to a pasta meal with little or no fresh vegetables and salads, which is the beginning of creating acidosis, this being the main cause of poor immunity, unable to fight disease, and causing imbalances infectious disease,broken brain, viruses and all diseases. The only other food knowledge you need is harmonious combinations for best digestion and assimilation 80/20 proportion is the safest approach. Plan your meals to follow this valuable acid-alkaline balance If you observe this valuable simple acid-alkallne balance your body will thank you. AS well as, rest, sleep, fresh air, laughter conversation, enjoyment, all contribute to a happy health life. Acidifiers are also, worry, fear, anger, gossip, hatred, envy, selfishness and silence, To Feel more energetic, to be less prone to diseases, be sure your meals are balanced, 80% alkaline forming foods, and only 20% acid forming foods. Because fruits taste acid, they are alkaline forming, It is the ash created after digestion that is important. In preparing and designing balanced meals for all who place their trust in my supervision and consultations, I always take this simple alkaline-acid balanced approach, thus achieving spontaneous healing and regeneration of the whole body! See the difference in your sleep, work, attitude, cognitive improvement, and attaining and maintaining the best of health during this long lockdown! FEEL GREAT., LOOK AMAZING..lose weight .follow the Alkaline-Acid balance to form a PH MIRACLE!! Look forward to helping you achieve the best of health and immunity!! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

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