Apr 5, 2015
Posted on Apr 5, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on EMBRACING ILLNESS – IT IS THE BEST TEACHER!
Diseased are ‘mothers’ who became pregnant within us in order to teach us
much needed spiritual lessons.
When one embraces the illness instead of fighting against
the illness ‘mother’ rebirths them back into the world anew!
Through this process valuable information is unlocked that not only heals
the body but opens new pathways of perception.
If a patient is unable to learn the inherent lesson, they are delivered
lovingly into the next life where new lessons are to be experienced.
Neither life or death should be feared.
Apr 5, 2015
Posted on Apr 5, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on EMBRACE ILLNESS – IT IS YOUR TEACHER!
On Tues April 7th from 7-9 I will be sharing my
experience with the Integrated Health Conference in San Diego,
on the Truth about healing Cancer and all Diseases,
Please bring friends and family,
Mar 31, 2015
Posted on Mar 31, 2015 in cancer, conquer resentments, do not be fooled, fasting, heal cancer, healing, health, juicing, live juices heal, pure oils | Comments Off on THE CAUSE IS THE CURE!
Would like to share with you the three day Cure for Cancer
Conference I attended in San Diego, California,
where over 2000 attended and doctors from all over the
world shared their successes, besides, hearing the testimonials of
people with Stage 4 cancer healed.
The protocol for healing was similar with most doctors, where
prevention is the key, and the two main causes, Toxins, and Inadequate
Nutrition, emotional stress, unforgiveness and lack of exercise are the
big reasons, cancer is prevelant, and of course, the GMO foods that
are on the shelves causing many diseases,
I will be having short seminars discussing my findings, in the
next few weeks, Also, conducting supervised juice/water fasting
in the next few weeks, to detox and supply proper nutrition to the body,
Please email me to find the time and place, drhalana@gmail.com,
or phone, 778-340-7978
Mar 17, 2015
Posted on Mar 17, 2015 in Acid water is pure for the body, anti-aging, cancer, conquer resentments, healing, Joyous childbirth, juicing, live juices heal | Comments Off on ITS TIME TO SPRING CLEAN!
Spring, a time of transformation! Everything in nature has come alive!
Fasting and De-Toxing the body allows the human spirit to also become new,
to experience life in a new light, so that one can –
Live with passion,
To open the doors of exploration,
To grow – to expand, and
To remove stress
It is a chance to connect with the True Self-
Seeing everyone and everything as the Creator;s expression,
As we walk as CREATURES OF LIGHT, then Vitality will emerge
giving and receiving supreme strength in every way, every day.
Book your space today as April,May and June offers supervised water/juice,
7-day transformation at its best! Experience the Real You!
email, drhalana@gmail.com
Mar 5, 2015
Posted on Mar 5, 2015 in Acid water is pure for the body, cancer, fasting, live juices heal | Comments Off on THERE IS HOPE FOR CANCER- NATURAL CURES
Thee is so much fear surrounding cancer patients.
Yet, this disease can be the best teacher in life’s journey.
Cancer is known to be a group or nests of epithelial cells half-starved from lack of proper organic nourishment, thriving on concentrated starches and meats.
Tumors develop as a result of impurities in the blood stream.
coagulating in the blood vessels surrounding the tumor.
Surgery does not remove the cause of cancer and causes death in 50% of its victims while
colonic irrigations, coffee enemas, and using live juices and foods to develop
a strong immune system to conquer the disease helps the patient to heal.
One of the contributing factors in the development of cancer has been found in prolonged resentments, Forgiveness is absolutely necessary!