
Iridology – the key to discovering your health potential

The eye is the chief channel of the soul’s expression.  Joy brightens  and opens the eyes and true health creates joy and enthusiasm.

Have your eyes read so you can attain and maintain optimum health for the rest of life.  Iridology is a science that is accurate and deals with the whole body, mind and spirit.  When we treat the whole body, we get rewarding  results.



Brand new website and format

Hello, and thank you for visiting! As you may notice if you have visited here before, I have launched a brand new website in a blog based format so I can update often and receive your feedback, comments, and questions!

If you want to keep in touch with what is new here, check back often, and subscribe to be notified of new updates.

Lectures on Prevention and Raw food

I will be in Duncan and Victoria, BC, on Saturday and Sunday respectively, the above lectures will be presented by me and a raw pot luck supper served.  All those interested in experiencing perfect health for the rest of life having vitality, and energy, wanting a productive lifestyle and attaining and maintaining the health you once, had come and be inspired and gain wisdom and knowledge that will help you, your families and the environment.

For more details you may contact me on the link on the website.  Look forward to hearing from you.

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