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Country Doctor Comes To Your House!

No need to leave your house, this doctor comes to you, in your own environment to coach, educate and analyze your health potential, in the comforts of your own home, Call today and find out your health potential, guiding you to cleanse, rejuvenate and revitalize so you can experience the best health ever at a reasonable price!   Through adequate nutrition, cleansing your body and knowing which exercise is best for you, you will experience awesome rewards!

If you are not well, I can also arrange healthy foods and juices to be made at your home with the finest, healthiest ingredients.

Contact me today to arrange an appointment. Vancouver, BC, Bellingham, Washington and surrounding areas only.


Embrace Illness – It Is Your Teacher: Public lecture, Vancouver, BC

April 7th 7-9 at the West Vancouver library i will give a lecture, based on the experience at the integrated health conference i attended with the integrated health institute/at San Diego,  CA

Please bring your friends and family to this important evening.



Telephone Consultation with Dr. Halanna available


If you do not have a doctor to turn to for your personal needs, and live outside the Vancouver area, Dr. Halanna Matthew does phone consultations for a minimum fee. She can help with nutritional balance, detoxification, fasting, weight loss, acute and chronic diseases, skin and body care, and more.

Correspondence courses and instruction on healthy meal preparation also available.

Contact info on my contact page.


On May 16th,I will discuss the ramifications of geoengineering,

or solar radiation management, and despite mountains of evidence and hundreds of patents,

this spraying of chemicals is still denied.  Look up at the sky….and see the long trails laid down

by aircraft stretching across the sky, which spread out, merge and create  a milky overcast haze.

Sunlight reaching the earth has fallen 22%,  while rainwater, soil , bark, human hair

and blood tests show high levels of aluminium, barium, strontium, metals listed in the above patents.

We have been breathing these highly toxic metals since the 1990’s., causing many diseases worldwide,Europe,China, North America,etc

Find out what we can do about preventing these evil destructive chemicals which are destroying life

on the planet.

Contact me for details on the Contact page here.

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