
Health Tip: If you lack energy, feel sluggish and have lost the zeal and enthusiasm for life, could it be that something is missing in your body? Or, have you thought about cleansing your body, mind and spirit through a supervised water/juice fast? The spirit, the will to win, and the will to exceed are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur! Because we are making wiser choices, I hope you are not afraid or anxious, or experiencing mental anguish anymore, because you know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Prevention is Key to a healthy immunity! This Virus is a weapon which occurred accidently or diliberatly, as stated by US Intelligence and government, and has created fear…which we know destroys the immune system. Most of those severely affected have had multiple health challenges already. Our body is constantly fighting viruses all around us, but our strong immune system is able to respond and manage it. Those with weakened immune system, a dysfunctional immune system. are those that contract the virus. You can take control of your immune system. True freedom and health is available to everyone. God has given us a body with amazing resilience. and this depends on what we put into our mouth, what we eat, drink, think,what we breathe and what we believe, on a daily basis. Are you getting sunlight, we have had incredible sunny days during this lock down? Are you taking Vit D 3 if not getting sunlight? How about Vit C and A from all the fresh fruits and vegetables available at our farmers markets? Your immune system wants to support you and achieve homeostasis. Do you want abundance, health, energy,vitality,knowledge, and freedom? If you need help in organizing a balanced nutritional program that defeats disease and creates a healthy immunity, please email or call me. I am here for you and to help you achieve your health potential and desires How we do this is with organic food, pure water,exercise,sun,etc Truth resonates Fear Resonates Seek the truth! The body is an amazing vessel, if we give it all the necessary ingredients for good health, and take away all the processed junk that is around us, we will attain and maintain a vigorously healthy immune system that will fight any virus, without taking a poisonous vaccine. Only you can achieve this! A higher octave of healthier lifestyle is the answer to PROTECT you from mandatory vaccines that never worked and is not the solution to this pandemic…as well as, more meditation to activate love, peace, bliss and oneness with God. Let us take advantage of this time and use it for spiritual inspiration, growth and freedom of disease. Abraham Lincohn once said “Those who deny freedom deserve it not to themselves and under the rule of a just God,cannot long retain it” MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Take care of yourself and your family, Blessings to your health, wellness and spiritual growth. Dr. Halanna B. Matthew nature’ | forward to a friend Nature’s Health Ltd 2020 You are receiving this because you asked to join the email list, or subscribed from Our mailing address is: Natures Health 467 Raindance Crescent West Vancouver, BC V7P1C3 Canada Add us to your address book Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp

SCARRING YOU TO HEALTH… opportunity for us to stay at home, as it has been suggested, and spend time with family, neighbours and the vulnerable and be of help. in whatever way we can. It is an opportunity for us to focus on shopping only for those foods that will attain and maintain a healthy immunity, so we can be strong, in the midst of all the panic, fear and anxiety. Remember. the body HEALS itself if we give it all the necessary requirements for health, ie organic vegan plant based nutrition, that is whole foods, and avoid all processed foods. all harmful influences, to get plenty of sunshine, daily exercise, walking at least 60 minutes every day, and at the same time, taking deep breathes, create emotional poise, despite the terrifying news these days, to remain positive, through meditation, prayer and silence, much can be accomplished. Let us also to be grateful for what we have, where we live and remain at peace. Let us focus our attention of healthy lifestyle, which will bring comfort during these difficult times. Let us shift fear, helplessness to confidence , and to what we can do to remain hopeful and happy, spending time in nature and taking care of the gift of life. Reminding everyone, that I also recommend supervised fasting as a preventative measure that brings regeneration, rejuvenation and restoration to the body, mind, emotions and spirit,

Book your time today!


My thoughts and prayers are with yiu today and every day,

that you remain positive, prayerful and in meditation

that all work out for the best as we focus on healing ourselves and

the whole world.

Health Tip: If you lack energy, feel sluggish and have lost the zeal and enthusiasm for life, could it be that something is missing in your body? Or, have you thought about cleansing your body, mind and spirit through a supervised water/juice fast? Do we need reminders to love ourselves and one another? I think sometimes we forget how.? Today there are many conflicting ways to love . In order to heal, we need to take time to restore and regenerate. The best way, is simple…… At least twice a year take time, to cleanse and rejuvenate the whole body with a water fast, This means to eliminate all forms of eating, and to drink distilled water only. This means you do not have to work or exercise, and to save energy for cleansing and repairing. Often people want to continue to work and exercise but the fast requires rest in order to heal. To be free of stress To live close to nature and adapt a vegan lifestyle with whole plant based food To be free of resentments, unforgivness toward oneself and others To associate with loving individuals To have a positive attitude To drink and rehydrate with live juices and pure water To get plenty of sunlight To get uninterupted sleep of at least 8 hours daily…sleep heals. regenerates the brain and body To exercise at least 5 x weekly To do deep breathing exercise daily To have a purposeful life To live in community To have faith This Valentines Day, which began as early as 269 AD, is set aside for everyone to give oneself the GIFT of Healing. which is to restore the diet deficiencies and to fast in order to detox the body, mind, emotions and spirit, so that we can love who we are. and loving.and giving to others becomes enjoyable. The body HEALS ITSELF, if we lovingly give the body all the essential conditions for health, and remove all harmful influences. TODAY, book a space for a supervised water fast,, to restore, renew and regenerate the entire body.. “LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU”! MUSIC IS THERAPY- MUSIC HEALS! MUSIC CREATES! Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew nature’ | forward to a friend

INSOMNIA, WHY? Feeling tired, fatigue or sleepiness are all common experiences in today’s world. Yet, health care providers often dismiss these complaints, because the symptoms are universal and because it can be challenging to evaluate medically. While tiredness is often temporary, and can be easily treatable,, but can suddenly worsen, or can prevent you from doing what and can be a health problem or a sleep disorder. Sleep seems to be a canary in a coal mine, where it’s sensitive to all these things going on in the body. and when it starts changing,, you want to ask yourself, …what;s going on? Definitions are different in all these three symptoms… Sleepiness, for instance, is a need for sleep and that makes it difficult to stay awake.,even when driving, watching a movie,working, and even after ingesting caffeine. Fatigue, on the other hand, is a deeper, sort of inability, either physical or mental, , to do what you want to do… such as go to the grocery store, exercise,etc. Somewhere in the middle of tiredness,, a desire to rest that is less debilitating than fatigue, and less dramatic than sleepiness…you can still be productive while tired. If you are bothered by how tired you feel, it could be that there may be a simple explanation,…not enough sleep. According to the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, 1/3 of North Americans do not get the recommended 7 or 8 hours per night….even 7 hours is not enough for most people. Sleep deprivation raises the risk for car accidents, and raises other health concerns, such as Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and depression. Lack of sleep can also affect mood, and relationships, in ways that even caffeine cannot remedy. Being tired is worth looking into. The body in its wisdom gives us messages and if we are attuned, it may be a good idea to pay attention to the signals which could mean lack of good nutrition, auto immune or thyroid problems, and may be wise to have evaluated. If nothing turns up in a regular clinic, it is worth seeing a sleep specialist. Sometimes it could be as simple as avoiding eating late at night, in order to receive healing sleep! Being tired is worth your attention Sleep regenerates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives. Music helps us sleep, Conquers depression, builds strong immunity! Music is therapy, music heals, Many Blessings to you and yours, Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

JUBILEE…Today, there is chaos around the world, in health, politics, suffering, climate,environment, etc. Yet, in our own little worlds, There is a time Not too far away When we no longer fight wars that do not belong to us When our hearts will be healed enough to no longer project our wounds unto another There is a time Not too far away When we see blessings, everywhere. in the water, our food, in a stranger’s eyes, When we know our children will hear more kind words that day then any other…when we all know we have the, POWER TO HEAL…and we honour the power, instead of the love of power… There is a time…. When helping Dr. Gabriel Cousens. at the Tree of Life Healing Centre, in Patagonia, Az, this above excerpt was taken from a hanging photo in the front entrance! Hope this February brings healing, hope and wellness to you all,, and, a reminder of the power to heal through fasting and cleansing the body, mind and spirit, so that you can be elevated to the throne of glory, enjoying life to the FULLEST! Reward yourself, ..Take the Time! Many Blessings to you!

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