
WHY WE AGE!Want to be healthy and live a long time? Here are the secrets from research done according to the Blue Zones…. where those living there are living to 95 and beyond!! 1. Eat less often..and genes do not work if you eat when not hungry. 2. Fasting has been practised over 3000 years ago,creating healing miracles 3. Avoid animal products which have no fiber and are high saturated fats. 4. Adopt a plant based nutritional program with the help of an expert. 5, Maintain high intensity exercise which raise the heart and respiratory functions. 6. Or, at least walk for 1 hour a day. 7. Be sure that you enjoy restorative, uninterupted sleep, that is at least 8 hours of quality sleep as this is a time of regeneration, important for total health of body, mind and spirit. 8. Eat vegan colorful whole plant based food with large salads daily. 9. Get natural light and sunlight in nature every day. 10. Processed and refined carbs and food have no place in the human diet. 11. Avoid oils, which are mostly Omega 6 and cause inflammation, this includes olive oil eat the olives instead. Reduce inflammation with Omega 3, found in flax seed oil. 12. Do not use commercial sunscreen…make your own with organic essential oils of lavender, peppermint,and coconut oil. 13. Shampoos contain many chemicals which coat the hair, use olive or coconut oil as the best shampoo., wrap the hair in a hot towel after applying, rinse with cold water and see the shine and when you massage the scalp with Rosemary/Cedarwood oil, watch the hair grow! 14. Have a daily warm shower, and dry brush before, but end it with a cold one to activate the brown fat, and invigorate the whole body. And after cleansing the face,with organic cleanser, apply ice cubes to the eye and face and neck to stimulate circulation and see the glow! 15. To look and feel your best be sure to… 1. Have that cold shower 2. Garden daily…CONNECT WITH THE EARTH,…..PLAY IN THE DIRT.. if only a tomato plant.. 3. Eat mushrooms daily, even one is enough. 4. Have a serving of legumes at least 4 x weekly. , and Lentils may be best for some who may have trouble with legumes. all of which, boosts metabolism. immune system,drains the lymphatic system, creates emotional resilience, lowers chance of depression, boosts testosterone, boosts fertility, creates muscle recovery, better sleep, and a feeling of being FULLY ALIVE and you have boosted the microbium with all the colorful fiber foods. 5. Connect with family, friends, community and a spiritual life, offering forgiveness where needed. No matter what age, you can REGENERATE the entire body and live pain free and avoid suffering. The body heals itself if all the necessary conditions for health are met and all harmful influences are eliminate. Look and feel young again! Rain or shine, ….get out there and MOVE daily, as well as, make a decision to make healthy choices because energy invested in HEALTH IS WEALTH!!

and use a bo

and use a body brush beforf



Sunlight, Vitmain D….the body is designed ti get enough from exposing the skin to direct sunlight.Many prefer to take Vit D3 to get the amount necessary to keep healthy in the winter. or to take a winter tropical vacation. Vit D is scarce and not found in too many foods.Best is to allow the body to be exposed to the sun whenever possible, so that the body can make Vit D. Vit D is a very important nutrient for digestive function, bone health, as well as, supporting a healthy immune system.At this time of year, if one cannot expose the entire body to the sun, at least expose the face and eyes,The Greeks named the sun, Helos, because of its healing power.Vit D is absolutely necessary and a lack of it can lead to many health challenges. When the sun is out be sure to get exposed, even if it for 15 minutes.

Healing and Regenerating with Superfoods

Sharing with you today the best superfoods you can add to
your daily dietary enjoyment!
Best fruits: Blueberries, Blackberries, all berries, all melons

Sprouts; broccoli, alfalfa, radish, buckwheat, sunflower, pea sprouts,
powerful vitamins and minerals.

All Dark Leafy Greens, ie swiss chard, escarole, spinach, romaine, collards,
dandelion, argula, beet greens, bok choy, etc

Superior health benefits of Globe Artichokes,
These are members of the Thistle family.

We are eating the flower before it blooms.
This vegetable has been around since ancient Greeks and Romans.
Has health and medicinal properties so important for healing.,
as well as being a good aphrodisiac and fertility booster.

Most of its nutrients are in the leaves, not the heart.

Decreases cholesterol, Aids digestion
Detoxes the liver, Stimulates the kidneys, Increases bile flow.
Helps digest fats
Prevents cancer
Helps to lose weight.
Packed with every vitamin and mineral the body requires
Balances blood sugar
High in Vit B complex
Good for the brain and nervous system

Steam and use the tip of the leaves dipped in a sauce made from raw tahini, lemon /garlic, or
made into a soup with Red potato, peas, parsley lemon and using the tips of the leaves and the heart.

Eat these at least once a week during spring and fall, which is the peek of the season i and enjoy these wonderful
healthy addition to your weekly menu.

Be careful of Glysophate,, the active ingredient in Roundup, infiltered in all GMO food today ,
blocking the production of protein protons, needed for growth in plants,, which blocks amino acid, Tryptophan, needed for hormone production, causing many
problems in the human body.

If it is not organic, best not to support these evil corporations, destroying our food supply, as well as our bodies.

Many blessings to you and yours

Dr. Halanna B. Matthew




A   NEW WAY of looking at nutrition and health.. and save lives..

THE LATEST scientific studies on how to fight diseases and all health challenges, and
prolong life, living it to the fullest!

The right nutrition  not only prevents all illnesses, but it will  transform our genes
so we can live healthier  longer lives.

Hippocrates, the first physician, said …
“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little,
and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health”

You will hear practical   actionable advice, and surprising, cutting edge  nutritional
science information to take home.

Find out  the enormous POWER OF FOOD…

Find out,  The Power of Healthy Living!


See you Tuesday April 17th, at 7 pm, at the West Vancouver Memorial Library,
bring your family and friends, for an enlightening evening, and SAVE LIVES!

“The doctor of the future, will give no medicine, but will instruct the patient of the care of
the human frame”     Thomas Edison said this in 1903… and .Oh how we have changed….

In the  meantime, Many Blessings to you and yours,

Dr. Halanna B. Matthew

Nature’s Health Ltd 2018 
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4:27 PM (21 minutes ago)
to Petra
Hope to see you there!

halanna matthew

4:29 PM (20 minutes ago)
to Karim
Hope to see you there !


CHOOSE, life, and awesome energy!
The No 1 PRIORITY IS YOUR HEALTH and a plant-based diet, chemical free,
is helping millions prevent and heal all suffering and diseases…..

Too many choose health in the middle, says Dr. Michael Grieger, MD,
who believes that when we choose a PLANT-BASED, NUTRIENT rich
whole organic diet we are helping to prevent and reverse all
diseases, suffering, aches, pain and ……

Especially when we practice the Science and Fine Art of Fasting ,
we not only regenerate stem cells, but also, rebuild the pancreas,
and the entire body, especially, we turn on anti-aging mechanisms enough so that
stem cells rebirth.

Have you chosen to meet health in the middle?
Think of beginning a Fast this spring and rejuvenate the entire body, mind,
emotions and spirit, revitalize your taste buds and become a NEW CREATION!

Many are asking what foods build collagen….
Here is a list of organically grown high collagen foods,

*all cabbages and family ie brocolli.bok choy
*all red fruits and vegetables,ie carrots,
mango , sweet potato,
*Flax seeds, walnuts , chia seeds,(omega 3)\
*red pepper*lemon, orange, grapefruit
*strawberries, blueberries,

Recipe for Breakfast, CHIA PUDDING

1/4 c chia seeds
2 cups nut milk,
soak 45 minutes, or overnight,
stir to prevent lumping,
Add blueberries/strawberries or blackberries.

Be careful of salt and heart problems…
says Dr. Sidhwa….
“salt is a poison-damaging the protoplasm, just as alcohol
does, kills and maims,..
All salt, including himalyan salt, is an inorganic substance, containing sodium and chloride,
and does not belong in the human body…..sodium we can derive
from all fruits and green vegetables, celery, tomato, without detrimental side effects.

Salt also has bad effects on the skin, and people who use salt age faster.

At first giving up salt will be difficult,,,,like any addiction, but once you are free of it,
your taste buds will delight in the true flavors you have previously missed in
your natural organic food,.


1 c organic cashews, soaked in pure water 4 hours,
1 c sunflower seeds, soaked in pure water , 4 hours,
3 garlic cloves,
2 T lemon /lime or more
2 T pure water
1 t. cumin

Process and Enjoy with raw veggies!

Sharing these bits of wisdom for you to enjoy a happy, healthy life.
When ready to have a supervised fast this spring, do not hesitate to
contact me, and I would be delighted to guide you…

Fasting is the Healing Miracle for today!

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